'Chapter 1: Food - Where does it come from ?'

14:38 Jul 12, 2022
'This lecture explains the class 6th chapter from Science subject i.e. Food : Where  does it comes from. As per new pattern of studies, CBSE has designed the Chapter into Activities which need to be performed by students to develop analytical skill toward their food habits. Activities recognize the Food varieties , what are the ingredients  of food, Sources of food - Plant and Animals and types of animals - Herbivorous,  Carnivorous and Omnivorous. Then Lectures covers all back exercise  like Match the followings and fill the blanks, cover discussion on brain storming questions.   #Class 6 Science # Food and where its comes from # CBSE' 

Tags: science , cbse , NCERT , class 6 , NCERT Science Solution , Class 6 Ncert Science Solution , Exercise class 6 Science , Class 6 science exercise

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