'National Junk Food Day : July 21'

'National Junk Food Day : July 21'
03:12 Jun 29, 2022
'Welcome to our channel NKC Insight  Today July 21st is a giant menu of items to National Junk Food Day.  Each year, this day permits us to chow down on the foods we usually do not include in our daily diet.  It was most likely created by a diet conscious individual or group, no information on the origin of this day.  Junk foods are containing a lot of calories, salt, sugar, and fats, and they offer very nutritional value.  However, if you follow a healthy and balanced diet, there is nothing wrong with having one day of the year.  The research, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, report says about 30% of the world\'s adult population is either overweight or obese, and more than 10% of all adults will suffer from type 2 diabetes by 2030.  On average, Americans consume 22 teaspoons of sugar per day, most of it is in the form of high-fructose corn syrup served in soft drinks and candy bars.  The average American eats more than 4 pounds of potato chips per year.  Between 1977 and 1996, the contribution of snack calories for American children between 2 and 5 years old increased by 30%.  The obese children  increased their consumption of food the most 134% after watching the food ads, compared to overweight children 101% and normal-weight children 84%.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011 showed that healthy people who ate junk food for 5 days regularly can deteriorate your memory.  Over consumption of junk food may displace these with trans fats which are harder to digest.   A 2011 study shows that trans fats may cause inflammation in hypothalamus, the part of brain that containing neurons to control body weight.  Junk food may causes the negative health effects especially obesity, have resulted in public health awareness campaigns, and restrictions on advertising and sale in several countries.  The UK government has been criticized for failing to do enough to stop advertising and promotion of junk food aimed at children.  WHO recommended to the government, Many advertisements promote foods high in fats, sugar and salt, consumption of which should be limited as part of a healthy diet.  In the US, annual fast food sales are in the area of $160 billion.  The food and beverage industry spends approximately $2 billion per year for marketing.  The fast food industry spends more than $5 million every day marketing unhealthy foods to children.  Mexico has imposed taxes on junk food which will increase its prices by 8%, add a surcharge on the sale of carbonated drinks.  The South American nation has intensified its fight against junk food vendors by banning its sale in schools and evolving a healthy eating manual for educational institutes to follow.  Norway industry and government agreed to a self-regulated ban on all marketing of unhealthy foods and drinks to children under the age of 16.  Avoiding junk food and developing the awareness for health fitness like going to gym regularly and also shifting to the healthy foods.  Thanks for watching this video, follow us in Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter by clicking the below link mentioned in the description of our channel.  Also subscribe our channel for more videos.  Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nkc.insight  Twitter : https://twitter.com/InsightNkc  Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nkc_insight/  This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: https://link.attribute.to/cc/1370647' 

Tags: Junk Food , Junk Food Day , National Junk Food Day

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