'3 நாளில் நுரைஈரல் சுத்தமாகி, பலம்பெற எளிய உணவுகள் | Best Foods For Lungs in Tamil'

'3 நாளில் நுரைஈரல் சுத்தமாகி, பலம்பெற எளிய உணவுகள் | Best Foods For Lungs in Tamil'
04:54 Dec 19, 2021
'Best Foods For Lungs in Tamil  Our environment is really getting contaminated day by day due to urbanization and personal habits like smoking. our lungs are the foremost organ that helps us remove the toxins and contaminants from the air and keeps us going. Have you ever thought about what you can do for the health of your lings or those foods that strengthen or cleanses our lungs? If you haven’t, then this is the video for you, where you can find some of the best foods for lungs that are available at every corner of the world. Our lungs are made up of sac balloon-like tissues that expand and contract as we inhale and exhale. The tiny structure inside the lungs is bronchioles and alveoli that get inflammation when something goes wrong in our lungs. Citrus fruits like orange, mosambi, lemon is some of the cheap and the best source of vitamin C and antioxidants that help the lungs to stay healthy and fight against the infections. The next food that is going to keep your lungs strengthen is the cereal and grains. When the lungs are hit with infections, we tend to lose our energy by cough and sore throat. To make the energy stabilized and help the lungs, it is recommended to take Vitamin B rich foods like brown rice, ragi, wheat, corn, maize, and more. You may also include nuts if you like. Thirdly, the cheapest source for the lung’s health is green vegetables. Especially, the int leaves, spinach, coriander leaves, cabbage, cauliflower are some of the best sources of antioxidants that can help the infection. On the other hand, the curd is a great source of probiotics that can improve the overall immunity and help to cleanse the lungs smoothly. Protein-rich foods also strengthen and cleanse the lungs effectively. According to the conclusion of research articles, protein-rich food acts as an anti-inflammation agent and helps cure the alveoli if struggles with the mucous secretion. Honey is also great medicine for the soothing effect on the lungs. It\'s being used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries and can remove the toxins inside the lungs. Drinking honey with hot lime water can cleanse the lungs to a greater extend. One of the best foods that strengthen and cleanses the lungs is the dry ginger and turmeric milk. This drink can do amazing things for your weak lungs. The turmeric and the dry ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and can fight back the infection in the lungs.  Try these foods that benefit the lungs and wear a thin cotton cloth to cover your nose so that the environmental pollution can be prevented entering into your lungs.' 

Tags: tamil health tips , clean lungs , how to clean lungs , Lungs health , lungs food in tamil , Lungs foods , Lungs cleaning treatment for smokers , Best Foods For Lungs in Tamil , Lungs clean food in Tamil , how to strengthen and cleanse lungs , Foods that benefits lungs , Lungs cleaning treatment at home in Tamil , How to strength lungs in Tamil , How to clean lungs naturally in 3 days , How to clean lungs home remedies , Foods that clean lungs , Turmeric for lungs , Lungs cleansing

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