'Veg Hot Dog Recipe In Hindi ft. Radhika Baal Gopal - Yummy Yummy Recipes'

08:45 Dec 4, 2021
'#vegehotdog #hotdog #vegetarian  Please Subscribe To Our Channel For Updates On All New Videos.  Follow our updates on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/balgopalmadhavas/  Our Cheff - Radhika Bhardwaj  It\'s a Madhavas Rock Band Production (Mentored by H.G Bhadra Govinda Das)  All the kids are serious talents; I mean seriously!  All they need is some inspiration and they can achieve the impossible. Now, I hear all the kids screaming in agreement !!! Many grown-ups think that kids can not cook; which is simply not true.  Look at our little chefs, Radhapriya (11 years) and Krishnapriya (7 years old), who currently live in the beautiful garden city of Australia, Toowoomba.   Together with their best friend, little Krishna (Nandu), they take off for their cooking adventures everyday. This little friend Nandu (Little Krishna) can be seen with them everywhere; be it the school (yes even in school), park, shopping centres, friends\' place or in an Airplane flying above the clouds. you will see him with them during the cooking too.  Both the girls have witnessed so many times that many people believe that its a difficult task to cook for Radha Krishna, as the cooking would be purely vegetarian and would exclude things like, Onion, Garlic, Mushrooms etc.   They have taken a pledge to show to the world that not only is it easy to cook for Krishna, but its also lots of fun. Lord Krishna took note of their sincere desire and made arrangements for their cooking show to appear on immensely popular Baal Gopal Channel.   They firmly believe if the kids of the world became friends with Krishna, then all the problems of the world will be solved. They want to start the friendship, while enjoying yummy prasadam (vegetarian food prepared for and offered to Krishna).   Their recipes would range from very simple (so that even the little kids can follow) to complex cooking. You may write to them asking for anything you want them to cook and they will find a recipe (with little help from their parents) suitable to offer to Krishna.  And most importantly, Radhika, Krishnapriya and Nandu are looking forward to make lots and lots of friends. So, please type \'Friend\' in the comment section below and they will reply back confirming the friendship.' 

Tags: funny , kids , fun , Cartoon , teens , hindi , learn , children , Knowledge , teach , gopal , hare , krishna , iskcon , mantra , bache , kanha , Bal , baal , Prabhupada , bhagwan , murli , gwaal , shaloka

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