'Have you ever wanted to know how to make fake formula for your reborn that doesn’t drip out of the bottle? Well let me help! Here is how I make my fake formula for pictures and videos What you’ll need is: - a baby bottle - clear gorilla glue - water - White elmers glue - flour ———— Hey Dollie friends, thank you so much for your love and support! I really appreciate you watching, liking, subscribing, and being your awesome - I am not a reborn doll artist but I do know a wonderful artist who always has adorable dolls for sale! Please click this link to check out my favorite artist and get a doll of your own: https://www.pumpkinsparklesbabies.com/ - Feel free to find me on Instagram! @ lambys_dollies - Please be kind! If you are not kind in the comments your comment may be deleted, you may be banned from commenting, or someone may tell you to knock the behavior off. It is not bullying for someone to ask you to not be rude nor is it bullying for you to be prevented from commenting after being hateful. -'
Tags: crafts , diy video , levi , Reborn , Saskia , reborn doll , reborn baby , reborn baby doll , maddie , reborn morning routine , fake baby , newborn doll , bebe reborn , newborn vlog , art doll , fake formula , reborn day in the life , reborn diy , reborn milk , reborn roleplay , Reborn toddler , reborn community , Realistic Baby Doll , reborn how to , reborn preemie , reborn ditl , newborn baby doll , reborn bebe , reborn vlog , reborn discussion , reborn tips
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