'Ten Foods That Keep The Lungs Healthy From Diseases. No. 1 Water Water is life and more than 60% of our body is rich in water. According to medical science, the brain and heart are more than 73% water, our skin is 64% water, our muscles and kidneys are 79% water. And our lungs are 83% watery, and even our bones have 31% water. Lack of water can cause severe damage to the lungs as well as the entire body, and many diseases can affect them due to dryness of the lungs, so doctors say that at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily must be consumed. Number 2 fat fish Meat of fish that has high fat has a very good effect on lung health because fatty fish contains high amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids and is also very beneficial for heart and blood vessels in the fatty acids. Is the thing Number 3 apple An apple is a fruit that is beneficial to the whole body but it has a very good effect on lung function, according to a medical science study. Plays an important role in keeping healthy and apples contain 7% Vitamin C, the most important vitamins and minerals for the body. No. 4 Apricots Asthma is available to us throughout the year, even after its season, and apricot is a very useful fruit for the lungs because it contains a large amount of vitamin A and vitamin A vitamin plays an important role in protecting the lungs from infection. Is. No. 5 Brockley Broccoli has many antioxidant properties in green vegetables, and according to a study, green vegetables are the most beneficial vegetables for the lungs, which contribute to keeping them healthy for long. Number 6 poultry Chickens, turkeys, quail etc. also have a very good effect on lung health as these foods are also rich in vitamin A and vitamin A obtained from meat is considered more beneficial to the lungs than vegetables. Number 7 Walnut Walnut is the king of dry fruits, whose nutrients are very beneficial to our entire body, especially to the brain, heart, blood pressure, diabetes and lungs because walnuts are full of plant-derived omega 3s and a handful each day. Eating walnuts helps eliminate asthma and respiratory diseases. Number 8 beans Red, white beans are also a very beneficial diet for our penises because they are rich in antioxidant properties and these properties prevent free radicals affecting the organs and these free radicals in our body can also cause severe damage to the lungs. And can cure diseases such as cancer. Number 9 grapes and strawberries Cranberries, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, etc. are also beneficial foods for the lungs as these foods also contain antioxidant properties along with vitamins and minerals. Number 10 green tea Green tea is a very good beverage for our health. It can benefit us in many ways if consumed without sugar and its main benefit is its antioxidant properties. Different ways to strengthen the lingo with food Along with good foods, exercise also plays a vital role in strengthening our lungs and daily exercise is not obesity, and obesity is a debilitating disease that damages all the organs of the body and also improves lung function. Affects Swimming under the water and doing various breathing exercises daily can also play an important role in strengthening and strengthening the lungs. Taking steam also cleanses the lungs and coughing lightly is considered beneficial for the lungs as it causes the mucus inside the lungs and the substances in it to become loose and expel them. Can be easy to do. Keep your atmosphere clean with the information given above, as air pollution also plays an important role in ruining our health, especially since air pollution is a very dangerous thing for lingus, and we are pollution planting trees and around us. Can be eliminated by cleaning. #lungsdiseases #healthylungs #kitabeshifa'
Tags: healthy lungs , Health , Healthy Food , healthy eating , healthy diet , health tips , asthma , Lung Cancer , lungs , cleanse lungs , lung disease , lung health , Foods for Healthy Lungs , super foods for lungs , foods that cleanse the lungs , clean the lungs , remove tar from lungs , how to keep your lungs healthy , Tips to Keep your Lungs Healthy , Ten Foods That Keep The Lungs Healthy From Diseases , foods to keep lung healthy , how to keep your lungs strong and healthy
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