Apr 15, 2024
'A series of Fall Wildlife Food Plot Workshops were hosted by Trailblazer RC&D during the summer of 2022 in several locations in north Louisiana. These workshops provided information on how to establish or improve wildlife food plots. The workshops featured information on food plot site selection and development; what to plant and when to plant; soil fertility; weed management; and financial/technical assistance. Conservationist and biologist Terry Johnston shared advice on the best plant species, selecting seed, soil testing, and more, as well as his personal experience with food plots—what worked and what didn’t work. This video features soil pH and fertilizer for successful food plots. The featured workshop and video were made possible by the support of: Energy Transfer Hunt Forest Products, LLC Mudd & Holland Consulting Foresters, LLC Weyerhaeuser Allstate Land & Timber Company National Wild Turkey Federation Burnham Construction, Inc. Canfor Southern Pine Louisiana Forestry Association LSU AgCenter Whitetails Unlimited, Lincoln Parish Chapter Lincoln Parish Police Jury Lincoln Parish Library USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Trailblazer RC&D Trailblazer RC&D is a nonprofit organization that provides leadership, coordination, partnership development, and technical assistance projects to encourage strong communities, sustainable agriculture, and a healthy environment. Trailblazer RC&D and USDA are equal opportunity providers and employers.'See also: