'Our friends at Cerawrap share all there is to know about beeswax wraps. What are they exactly and how do you use them....get all the details in the full article here: https://themindfulsoulcenter/what-are-beeswax-wraps/ You can read more about the plastic problem here and ways you can take small actions to #bethechange https://themindfulsoulcenter/the-plastic-problem-towards-solutions/ Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel, hit the bell button for notifications, visit the website and follow on social media. Website: https://themindfulsoulcenter.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/themindfulsoulcenter Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/themindfulsoulcenter Twitter: https://twitter.com/mindfulsoulctr Facebook: https://facebook.com/themindfulsoulcenter +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sign-up for our monthly newsletter Sign-up for our monthly newsletter http://eepurl.com/dlVTnj +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ email me your requests and suggestions at [email protected] and follow us on your favourite social media platform ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Mindful Soul Center was created as a hub for life long learners who want to evolve and grow to live with less stress, more consciousness, less anxiety, more peace and more joy. We’re dedicated to producing thought-provoking media and creating tools you can use to help make the journey lighter. If you’d like to support The Mindful Soul Center and our mission, please consider purchasing one of our magazines or other products. https://gum.co/xhZeU https://themindfulsoulcenter.com/shop Thanks for watching!'
Tags: recycle , reuse , solutions , sustainable , natural products , sustainable living , ecology , be the change , food storage , amazing products , natural alternatives , keep food fresh , Kitchen Products , lifestyle magazine , Beeswax wraps , plastic alternatives , earth friendly products , reuse and recycle , conscious life space , living awake , conscious life guru , you the guru , beeswax properties , pollution solutions , replace cling wrap , replace saran wrap , sustainable earth
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