May 26, 2023
'Join +Joey Giangola as he talks with +Stephen Chase and Megan Munson personal trainers at Premier Fitness to discuss easy ways to introduce fitness back into your life. Event Link: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c8uuvtqmh0qb349t64o2dovloro We will also cover: How to stay motivated by setting realistic goals The importance of proper fitness education Proper Nutrition - Why it\'s so important to your fitness. PLUS: We will be answering your questions live throughout the hangout. To ask a question use the hashtag #HCIH on twitter or submit a comment on YouTube or Google+ and we will be able to address it during the hangout. NOTE: You will NOT be able to \"join\" the hangout on camera, you will only be able to watch the live stream of the hangout. If you are unable to watch the live show, it will be recorded and available to view at your convenience.'
Tags: #hangoutsonair , Hangouts On Air , #hoa
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