'রাতে যে ১১ খাবার ভুলেও খাবেন না- Bangla Health & Fitness Tips ✰✰✰ Other Video link✰✰✰ ✪ হৃদরোগের ঝুঁকি কমাতে যে ১০ টি খাবার এক্ষনি বাদ দিতে হবে I Bangla Health & Fitness : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzzvAWlRUWg ✪ কলকাতার সবচেয়ে বিখ্যাত ব্রিজ- হাওরা ব্রিজ Howrah Bridge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvCCHi2I9iE ✪ তিস্তা নদী- বাংলাদেশ-ভারতের একটি আন্তঃসীমান্ত নদী- Timeline Of World Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2-8oCQHsdI ✪ রাতের হাতিরঝিল -Night View of Hatirjheel - Hatirjheel At Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oMjx1JyHFo ✪ হাতিরঝিলে বালিকার অসাধারণ নাচ - Amazing Cute Girl Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75r-00Kgbpg ✪ দেখুন জীবিকার তাগিদে কিছু অসহায় নারী শাহাবাগের রাস্তায় ফুলের মালা বিক্রি করে। Flower Market Sahabag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtU-O8DEKO4 ✪ দেশের বৃহত্তম ফুলের বাজার শাহাবাগ -Largest flower Market in Bangladesh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApsZT5K6wKA ✪ দৃষ্টিনন্দন হস্তশিল্প- AMAZING HANDMADE INVENTIONS- SIMPLE IDEAS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqJyqP5IWks ✪ ২ কেজি ওজনের পদ্মা নদীর বড় ইলিশ মাছ | নিষেধাজ্ঞা শেষে ঝাঁকে ঝাঁকে ধরা পড়ছে ইলিশ! তাজা ইলিশ মাছ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFWr6S00Qfg ✪ ক্যান্সারের ঝুঁকি বাড়ায় চাষের মাছ । যেভাবে ক্ষতিকর হয়ে উঠছে বাংলাদেশের চাষের মাছ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r6Zazq9_Js ✪ Under 13 Cute Girl Cutting Fish - Amazing Beautiful Women Fish Cutting Section In Fish Market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3ZaLzO7Zw0 ✪ ভারতের সিকিম সম্পর্কে অজানা ও অদ্ভুত কিছু তথ্য। সিকিম রাজ্যের ইতিহাস -Sikkim Gangtok Tourist Place: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSIX9ahVk1Q ➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠ ➥1. Dark chocolate and coffee Dark chocolate is quite good for health. But this dark chocolate and coffee contains ingredients called caffeine that inhibits the functioning of your nervous system. The acidic content of coffee awakens your brain to wake you up. ➥2. Spicy food Spicy foods take longer to digest. If you are over the age, avoid eating spicy foods at night. These foods cause digestive problems, gas problems. ➥3. Protein is a national food Beef, pulses, fatty foods take longer to digest. But high levels of chicken also act like beef. So refrain from eating meat-rich foods at night. ➥4. fast food Avoid fast food. High fat foods make acid in your stomach and can cause irritation in the stomach. ➥5 Natural cheese is healthier than processed cheese. It causes digestive problems at night as well as hinders your metabolism process. Even this one meal can make your night sleep a breeze. ➥6. Soft drink Many people eat soft drinks after eating. Drinking it at night is much more harmful to health. Soft drinks hinder the blood circulation of the body, as well as its excess sugar and gaseous compounds that inhibit the production of the sleep cycle and the production of hormones that promote sleep. ➥7. Ice cream Ice cream made with lots of sugar, milk and some other ingredients. Ice cream does not want to be easily digested, it can even increase your weight! ➥8. Sugar Although natural sugar is good for sleep, the artificial sugar that we use in various foods provides energy in the blood, but it also ends up functioning very quickly, causing sleep deprivation at night. ➥9. Fruit Excess fruits produce gases in the body and cause various problems in digestive capacity. If you have to eat fruit at night, do not eat more than one cup of fruit. ➥10. Green Tea Although there are many benefits to green tea, sleep does a great deal of harm. The chemical responsible for the green tea is responsible for that. So if you want to sleep well at night, do not forget the green tea. ➥11. Sweet Many people have a habit of eating sweets after eating at night. Increased blood sugar levels also increase the weight of the body as it relaxes. bangla health tips health tips health tips bangla bangla health bd health tips health tips in bangla bangla health tips bd bangla health tips video bangla health tips বাংলা health টিপস ➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠ ★★★Video Credit★★★ © “Stock footage provided by: 1. https://coverr.co 2. https://pixabay.com/ Pixabay License© ✎ License All content on Pixabay can be used for free for commercial and noncommercial use across print and digital, except in the cases mentioned Coverr License and FAQ © ✎ License All Videos published on Coverr.co can be used for free. You can use them for commercial and noncommercial purposes. You do not need to ask permission from or provide credit to the Videographer or Coverr.co, although it is appreciated when possible. More precisely, Coverr.co grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive copyright license to download, copy, modify, perform, and use videos from Coverr.co for free ➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠➠ ★★★Follow Us★★★ Join Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/timelineofworldmedia/ https://www.facebook.com/Graphicdot/ Join Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/amarbangladeshh/'
Tags: fitness , Health , health tips , fastfood , bangla , média , bangla news , timeline , health tips bangla , bangla health , beauty tips bangla , timeline of world media , timeline of world , prothom alo newspaper , bd news bangla , indian bangla newspaper , হৃদরোগের ঝুঁকি , ১০ টি খাবার , হৃদরোগের ঝুঁকি কমাতে , breaking news bd , bangladesh news today , current news bangla , sastho valo korar upay , hard attack , রাতে যে ১১ খাবার ভুলেও খাবেন না , health টিপস
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