May 29, 2022
'Amoeba are single cell animals that wander on the bottom of ponds. Without shape, they can be regarded as the microscopic equivalent of the Blob. Without eyes or ears, they seem to move about without direction. Yet they can be predators, tracking down and trapping fast moving ciliate prey. The first half of the video shows an amoeba stalking, trapping, and capturing a small ciliate (one celled animal capable of rapid movement). One would think the ciliate could escape easily from the slow moving amoeba, but this is not the case. After the amoeba story, we show a blepharisma, a large ciliated protozoan. This protist can appear pink and under certain conditions, there sizes vary widely. The larger organisms can become twice or three times larger than a typical blepharisma and when they reach this size they can become cannibals. At the end of the video, you will see a smaller blepharisma trapped within the food vacuole of a cannibalistic predator. It is vainly seeking to escape from the food vacuole which will soon become its shroud. http://www.matsuimaging.com/'
Tags: Amoeboid (Organism Classification) , Blepharisma (Organism Classification) , Vacuole (Literature Subject)
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