Apr 11, 2022
'The boy with no food on his plate We mustn’t foster any dependence on the state Conservatism 101 How can we look into his eyes and say we’ve got no money? How can we siphon off £12bn to Serco And say we’ve got no money? And if you cannot make ends meet Then you’re probably a drug head Yes, if you cannot make ends meet Then it’s probably because you’re a drug head Oh yes Oh The boy with no food on his plate I just designed Universal Credit Don’t blame me for the wait Just borrow How can we implement swingeing cuts And blame it on the parents? Sanction you out of spite And blame it on the parents? But when you go and call us ‘scum’ You uncivilise the discourse And if you want your kids To have shoes that will fit Tories say ‘tough shit’ Oh no Oh Backing track: Spotify/Play Guitar With… The Smiths'See also: