'The moment we hear ‘Lebanese food’ all we can think of is a shawarma or a falafel at best. Today, we’ll be visiting a place that will take our understanding of Lebanese cuisine as well as our taste buds to a whole new level. On our menu today is the flavorful and delicious Lebanese Platter which includes some of the usuals like the Hummus, Pita Bread, Falafel as well as some hidden gems like the Zatar, Fattoush Salad and the Yum in Tum signature Tabouleh. Don’t forget to hit like if you enjoyed the video and comment below which dish you would like to try the most? Location 1 : YUM IN TUM (Borivali) https://goo.gl/maps/1HSSUUKaT6V25hJB7 Location 2 : AL SHAWARMA (Kandivali) https://goo.gl/maps/Jd1EQnPwcEw2PZEE9 Instagram : the_munchie_guy'
Tags: grilled chicken , shawarma , hummus , tandoori chicken , Lebanese food , pita , fattoush , zatar , borivali streetfood , kandivali streetfood , muhmara , falefal
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