'Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#李子柒Liziqi #ChineseCuisine #ChineseFood Sow in spring to grow in summer, harvest in autumn for storage in winter. And Autumn Equinox has given way to Cold Dew now. We have finished reaping the corn, grain, pumpkins, and peanuts, ready to await the frost and snow in winter. For the past Mid-Autumn Day, my cousin and cousin-in-law came back to spend the festival with granny. Chitter-chatter, lively and jolly--that’s how festivals should be! 春生夏长,秋收冬藏。 秋分已去寒露来。 忙完玉米 谷子 南瓜 花生的收获存储之后 就该等着霜雪天的到来, 中秋,表姐和表姐夫两口子来陪奶奶过节。 吵吵闹闹的,倒也过了这个秋! 【李子柒 Liziqi 】 https://goo.gl/nkjpSx -------------------------------------------------------------------- liziqi李子柒更多精彩视频推荐/More wonderful video recommendations: liziqi李子柒精选视频/decent video selection:https://is.gd/qe9xuc 李子柒●花开有声 | Soud of blooming flowers: https://is.gd/tyr1ja 李子柒 ●饮食以节 | Chinese festival food: https://is.gd/3LsFnu 李子柒 ●适时而食 | Seasonal diet: https://is.gd/JmLJH3 东方非遗传承 | Oriental intangible cultural heritage : https://is.gd/atatyo 传统工艺 | Traditional handicraft: https://is.gd/FPl4df Spring 春之卷:https://is.gd/EBwo2n Summer 夏之卷:https://is.gd/i1jJ46 Autumn 秋之卷:https://is.gd/YBVeL2 Winter 冬之卷:https://is.gd/3JqW8D #李子柒 #liziqi'
Tags: chinese food , 美食 , liziqi , 李子柒 , 饮食文化 , 中国风 , 中國美食 , liziqi vlogger , 中華傳統文化 , 田园 , ly tu that , 李子柒最新 , 李子柒采访 , 李子柒最新2020 , 李子柒藕粉 , liziqi masak terbaru , 李子柒 烹饪 , 李子柒 生活美食
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