'Quick Quiz Masters presents this Video is based upon the Class 6th Science Chapter 1 Food : Where does it come From which includes some most important MCQ questions from the chapter. Please share this video to class 6th students and another competitive exams students for their quick revision of the chapter Food : Where does it Come From. Here below is the brief introduction towards this session from chapter and about this Science mcq video. Class 6 Subject : Science Chapter 1 Food : Where does it Come From Mcq Basic Main Mcqs Quick Revision of Chapter Read the Chapter Carefully and Revise Some basic multiple choice questions MCQ from the chapter. There is a lot of variation in the food eaten in different regions of India. The main sources of our food are plants and animals. Animals which eat only plants are called herbivores. Animals which eat only animals are called carnivores. Animals which eat both plants as well as other animals are called omnivores. We eat many leafy vegetables. We eat fruits of some plants. Sometimes roots, sometimes stems and even flowers.Some plants have two or more edible (eatable) parts. Seeds of mustard plants give us oil and the leaves are used as a vegetable. Can you think of the different parts of a banana plant that are used as food? Think of more examples where two or more parts of a single plant are used as food. NCERT Solutions Class 6th Science Chapter 1 Food : Where does it Come From is provided in this session to help students of class 6th in quick revision of the chapter Food : Where does it Come From in MCQ objective type quick question answers. Chapter 1 Food : Where does it Come From is one of the most crucial chapters in class 6th Science. Here is the quick quiz test series just in 4 mins prepared form the chapter to help students in their exams and to score well in exams. Please share this video to class 6 / 6th students and another competitive exams aspirants for their quick revision of this chapter. You May Search this Video With Title \"Class 6th Sci. Chapter 1 Food: Where does it Come From NCERT Book Revision MCQ Question Answers Quick Quiz Masters Test Series \" or Food : Where does it Come From important questions Class 6th Revision Food: Where does it Come From Class 6th MCQ\'S Food: Where does it Come From Objective Question Answers Food: Where does it Come From NCERT Solutions. Food: Where does it Come From For Competitive Exams. Thanks for Watching Video. Do Comment Your Score in the Comment Box. #Food:WheredoesitCome #6thmcqs #mcqfoodfromwhereitcomes #quickquizmasters'
Tags: Food , ingredients , herbivores , omnivores , decomposers , Foodfromwheredoesitcomefrom , Class6thChapter1 , Class6thMcqs , Mcqsofclass6th , Science Objective , Mcqs foodwheredoesitcomefrom , Class6thSciencerevision , Class6thScichapter1 , ObjectivwtyoequeationsClass6 , Class6Revision , FoodFromwheredoesitcome , Foodcycleclass6th , Honeybeesclass6 , Necatrclass6 Revision testclass6th , Class6McqsofScience , Quickrecap class6thscince , Science basics , Foodchapter1 , Class6thScncetest , Foodreceipesclass6th , Class6thFoodchapterevision
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