'Hey guys! In this video I will be showing you how to properly assign settlers to settlements in Fallout 4. With my method, you will always be able to assign settlers and have no problems doing so. I hope this video helped you guys and if it did, don\'t forget to leave a like and subscribe! PEACE! :) Links in the end of the video for mobile viewers: Fallout 4 Find Lost Companions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGqwJyf4-DQ Fallout 4 Get Companion To Stop Attacking You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7caFbGL0MmA Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuSJUXXwputUDJ_y-glO9IQ'
Tags: how to , To , how , best , 44 , mod , ever , method , fallout , four , proper , fallout 4 , Strategy , settlers , right way , best method , fallout 4 settlers , the right way , assign , how to assign settlers , fallout 4 how to assign settlers , how to assign settlers in fallout 4 , assign settlers in fallout 4 , fallout 4 assign settlers , how to get settlers to work , working settlers , how to get settlers in fallout 4 , assign settlers , assign followers , assign companions
See also: