'There are three wheel of pains. Level 10 Lesser wheel of pain. 220 wood 210 stone 100 iron 30 twine. In your inventory you can make the truncheon and fiber bindings. 1 NPC can be placed. Level 30 the Wheel of pain. 60 Shaped wood 50 Brick 100 Iron Reinforcement 80 Twine Tortures Worktable iron Truncheon Rawhide Bindings. 4 NPC can be placed. Level 50 The greater wheel of pain. 210 Shaped Wood 200 Hardened Brick 200 Steel Reinforcements 160 twine. Torturers Worktable Steel Truncheon and Leather bindings. 8 NPC can be placed. How to capture NPC place them in the wheel and different fuel required to break npc, so you can have slaves \"thralls\" for your stations, Entertainers, Cooks, etc. Where to find named Taskmaster. Level 1 Taskmaster Apprentice Level 2 Taskmaster Journeymen Level 3 Taskmaster Master Level 4 named taskmaster master We all want a named taskmaster master the fuel time is longer and it takes faster to break the thralls.'
Tags: slaves , Conan exiles , Thralls , Lesser wheel of pain tutorial , the Wheel of pain tutorial , The greater wheel of pain tutorial , capture npc , named Taskmaster
See also: