'Fallout 4 Exploit: Extra Food'

'Fallout 4 Exploit: Extra Food'
02:24 Feb 14, 2022
'[edit]  It turns out that, once you get it working, you can just re-assign a single settler to the scavenging station to generate more food instantly. e.g.: Assign worker, collect food. Assign worker, collect food. ...  I think it has to do with settlers switching between jobs. Somehow my settler who has just been un-assigned from food still has a \"load\" which gets dumped in my workshop every time I assign it to something else.  [/edit]  Requires: - Food crops - Scavenging station (or any other settler-assignable station. A store could work)  Steps: 1. Unassign all settlers from food crops (by assigning them to the scavenging station) 2. Assign a bunch of settlers to food crops 3. Wait for food supply indicator to go up 4. Profit (Collect food from workshop)' 

Tags: fallout 4

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