'In this video atharva bansal your conductor will be explaining the whole chapter of food : where does it come from for class 6 menti session - https://youtu.be/8a3YOtnim4U it will be live at 7 pm today anyone can attend this session. #food #foodlovers #foodwheredoesitcomefrom #class6 #atharva #edufunwithab #Edu-fun #explanation #foodie don\'t click on this link - https://urlshortner.org/BVY99 And join my whatsapp group also - https://chat.whatsapp.com/GEK8kv3TF8z2Jbh93U1TbQ And follow and like me on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EDU-FUN-youtube-channel-page-106733458268565/ And follow me on instagram as well - https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=8wu35w9dnmvg&utm_content=ik94xak and do remember to like share and subscribe There will be a challenge question at the end of the video Answer you have to write in the comment box below after the video ends Those who will answer will get worthy mentions in my next video'
Tags: Food , food class 6 science , Food where does it come from? , food where does it come from , class 6 science Chapter 1 , food where does it come from class 6 , food class 6 , Science Class 6 Chapter 1 , class 6th science chapter 1 , 6th , Food Where Does It Come From Full Chapter Class 6 Science , food where does it come from full chapter class 6 , food where does it come from full chapter , atharva , EDUFUN , edu fun with ab
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