'What a fun time mexico was, and i\'m super happy to have had the experience. And what trip to Mexico would be complete without trying authentic mexican street tacos for the first time? Check out my exploration of Mexicali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM7EIQqnRks&ab_channel=SeaboltSpeaks Ways to Support Me: https://www.patreon.com/seaboltspeaks Virtual Tip Jars https://ko-fi.com/seaboltspeaks https://www.paypal.me/seaboltspeaks Social: https://twitter.com/seaboltspeaks https://www.instagram.com/seaboltspeaks/ https://www.facebook.com/seaboltspeaks Join My Discord Server! - https://discord.gg/Suwsjcq Thanks for watching! #40h7dlc'
Tags: Travel , travel vlog , Mexico , mexican food , street food , chorizo , food truck , travel mexico , mexicali , visiting mexico , MEXICAN STREET FOOD , comida mexicana , seabolt , taco stand , street tacos , food on the street , mexican street tacos , trying mexican food for the first time , gringos in mexico , mexican food compilation , mexican food tour , street taco , gring tries street taco , seabolt speaks , travel mexico 2021 , authentic mexican street food , americans eat mexican food
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