'Everything you want to know about Punjab\'s world famous Atta chicken and its creator. How and why was this created? What made this recipe possible? Why does it sell in huge numbers? How do people travel with it from Kotkapura to Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Canada, England etc. This video is dedicated entirely to the love for Atta Chicken and how it became my instant favorite as soon as I tasted it. Royal Atta Chicken Jaito Road , Pheruman Chowk, Kot Kapura, Punjab 151204 098880 20962 https://maps.google.com?q=Royal%20Atta%20Chicken,%20Jaito%20Road%20,%20Pheruman%20Chowk,%20Kot%20Kapura,%20Punjab%20151204&ftid=0x3917504db10f9643:0x5afaff0337302d7c&hl=en-IN&gl=in'
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