'If you enjoy my videos, like, subscribe and share them. *************************************** Check out the Zaycon Fresh online company that offers beef, poultry, seafood and pork for discount pricing, hormone free and humane animal treatment; http://zayconfresh.com/refer/zf414878 Freeze dried fruit, fresh kiwi, strawberries and grapes for food storage. Com join my Facebook Group, \"Betty\'s Harvest Right Freeze Dryers Group\". If you would like to learn more about freeze drying your own healthy food at home using a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer, from experienced owners, come check us out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/BettysHarvestRightFreezeDryersGroup/'
Tags: Food , fruit , kids , Kiwi , grapes , #harvestright , #freezedryer , #freezedried
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