'Well, Savannah got to go spend some time with Nat Geo\'s OUTBACK WRANGLER Matt Wright and feed some of the biggest hungriest hugest gnarliest crocodiles in Australia\'s Northern Territory in this amazing and sometimes terrifying Saltwater Crocodile Feeding Frenzy vlog. Thanks for keeping her safe Matt, come see us at Gatorland soon. #mattwright #outbackwrangler #australia'
Tags: gatorland savannah boan , savannah boan gatorland , Gatorland Orlando Florida , outback wrangler mayt wright , gigantic saltwater crocodiles in australia , nat geo matt wright , crocwise , crocodiles in the northern territory , the biggestsaltwater crocodile in the world , crocodile indonesia , Northern Territory Australia , monster size Saltwater Crocodiles , Matt Wright Australia , Matt Wright Outback Wrangler , Outback Wrangler nat geo , great northern beer , Australian Saltwater Crocodiles
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