Nov 25, 2021
'Dr. Thomas Hughes sits down with Norm Gold to discuss the development of a grocery store in Richmond, Va. The Market @ 25th is located in Church Hill, a neighborhood on the East End of Richmond. Church Hill, like many neighborhoods in the U.S., is located in what is known as a food desert. This is an area in the U.S. where quality food is located out of reasonable reach for the people that live there. In this episode Norm will discuss learning from the mistakes of a colleague, the motivation of he and Steve Markel to open the store, dedication to the people of Church Hill, and concrete plans to invest in the community of Church Hill. #hunger #poverty #fooddesert #inclusion #community #sincerity #churchhill #rva #racialequality #foodaccess The Market @ 25th: website: www.themarketat25th.com IG: themarketat25th twitter: @marketat25th facebook: themarketat25th Dr. Thomas Hughes: website: www.thecubepsych.com IG/twitter: thecubela Audio only: Spotify: \"the cubela\" Apple podcasts: \"the cubela\" or \"thecubela\" Google podcasts: \"the cubela\"'See also: