'Here\'s The TRUTH About Acne (Based on Actual Science)'

'Here\'s The TRUTH About Acne (Based on Actual Science)'
12:25 Nov 17, 2021
'Acne is a huge problem for millions of people. And we’re not just talking about teenagers. Adult men and women suffer from acne too. If you thought your skin was going to magically clear up after high school, but then you kept getting breakouts into your 20s and 30s, you know exactly how frustrating adult acne can be.  According to a 2013 article published in The Atlantic, treating acne is a $3 billion industry in the U.S. alone. And yet, it seems like everyone still has acne. Sure, for some people it’s just a minor annoyance, but for others it’s crippling - a total confidence killer.  In fact, several studies have indicated that acne (and acne scars) can negatively impact quality of life for teenagers and adults, both male and female. There’s a ton of information and advice out there about skincare and acne. You hear everything from product recommendations (“Use this gel!”) to lifestyle advice (“Don’t eat dairy!”).  It’s largely based on anecdotal evidence (i.e., “This worked for me, so it will definitely work for everyone else!\"), and it’s often not backed by any sort of science. Even the stuff you read that is supposedly backed by science is often misleading. This is because not all scientific studies are created equal. Many studies have small samples sizes, homogenous subject groups or other serious flaws.  Here’s the truth: no one knows what causes acne. We know it has something to do with genetics and hormones, but that’s about it. Everything else is speculation, anecdote, myth or worse - lies.  So today, rather than telling you what I believe, I’m going to lay to rest seven of the most common pseudoscientific beliefs about acne and dive a little deeper into the most common belief - that diet (and eating dairy) affects acne.  Studies referenced:  00:52 Market Research → https://mdst.mn/2RHKW9x 00:59 2013 The Atlantic Article → https://mdst.mn/2AW3a1j 01:17 Acne Research → - https://mdst.mn/2PTY4LG - https://mdst.mn/2AX4wZR - https://mdst.mn/2JSCYYu 02:29 Dairy & Sugar Cause Acne Article → https://mdst.mn/2D7JKbz 04:08 Science Vs Acne Podcast → https://mdst.mn/2D99fsZ 04:18 Acne vulgaris Overview → https://mdst.mn/2RQy5lF 04:51 Belief Number 1: Stress Causes Breakout (NCBI Study) → https://mdst.mn/2qCrpf2 05:26 Belief Number 2: Staying Hydrated Stops Acne (NCBI Study) → https://mdst.mn/2qFkvFP 05:50 Belief Number 3: Cell Phone O Face Causes Acne 05:59 Belief Number 4: Oily Skin Cause Acne 06:17 Belief Number 5: Oily Skin Is Good For You 06:31 Belief Number 6: Touching Your Face Causes Acne 06:50 Belief Number 7: Your Diet Causes Acne 07:40 NCBI Study (Relationship of Diet and Acne ) → https://mdst.mn/2QrRhpu 08:13 | 08:56 2007 Study from Robyn N. Smith, et al → https://mdst.mn/2yY8n7p 08:19 American Academy of Dermatology Article → https://mdst.mn/2PjTxTe 08:26 YouTubers Search → https://mdst.mn/2zEgMg8  #adultacne #acne #skincare   

Tags: acne , acne scars , diet and acne , truth about acne , dairy and acne , stress causes breakout , acne vulgaris

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