'JUDGING FAVORABLY - \"The Critic\" (Jewish Food For Thought, by Hanan Harchol)'

11:00 Nov 10, 2021
'JewishFoodForThought.com Written, drawn, and animated by Hanan Harchol. Hanan impersonated his parents\' voices. More animations by Hanan Harchol as well as study guides by Beth Huppin and Rabbi Leora Kaye are available at JewishFoodForThought.com. This project was made possible by funds granted by The Covenant Foundation. The statements made and views expressed, however, are solely the responsibility of the author. Fiscal Sponsorship provided by FJC.   This animation is dedicated to Maoz and Tali Kahana, who patiently taught me so much, and are two of the kindest, humblest, and least judgmental people I know.  This film would not have been possible without my teachers of Jewish Wisdom: Maoz and Tali Kahana, Rabbi Lori Koffman, William Berkson, Joe Septimus, Rabbi Abraham Twerski, Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, Rabbi Harlan Wechsler, Rabbi Greg Epstein, Beth Huppin, Rabbi Asher Lopatin, Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski, Rabbi Leon Morris, Rabbi, David Wolpe, Rabbi David Aaron, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Viktor Frankl, Rabbi Yaakov Jacob Pollak, Rabbi Leora Kaye, Rabbi Sharon Brous, Rabbi Elie Weinstock, Sara Rosen, Ruth Calderon, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, Rabbi Akiva, Hillel the Elder, Maimonides.  Thank you to the following for their guidance and unwavering support: Harlene Appelman, Joni Blinderman, Judy Brodsky, Nikki Carpenter, Laura Kruger, Jeanie Rosensaft, Professor Matthew Baigell, Aviva Weintraub, Rabbi Leon Morris, Ilana Trachtman, Neil Kittredge, Sarah Jane Lapp, my mother and father, z\"l, my wife, and our two sons.  www.JewishFoodForThought.com © 2016, Hanan Harchol. All Rights Reserved.' 

Tags: jewish , ethics , Hanan , Pirke Avot , Hanan Harchol , Jewish Food For Thought , Jewish Ethics , Mussar , Pirkei Avot , Ethics of the Fathers , Harchol , JewishFoodForThought , JewishFoodForThought.com , The Covenant Foundation , FJC , Judging Favorably , Judging in a Favorable Light , Dan L'Kaf Zechus , Giving the Benefit of the Doubt , Standing in the other person's shoes , Standing in Another Person's Shoes , Pirke Avot 1 6 , Pirkei Avot 1 6 , Pirkei Avos 1 6 , Judging Others Favorably , Beth Huppin

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