'Can what you eat affect your lungs? It’s true. You are what you eat. Individual reactions to food vary a great deal, but here are 5 best and worst foods for your lungs. Smart food choices will help you breathe easier if you have asthma. 1. Apples People who eat two to five apples a week have a 32% lower risk of asthma than people who ate less. Any amount less than that didn’t seem to make a difference one way or the other. The beneficial compound in apples known as flavonoids is responsible. Another flavonoid, khellin, opens up airways. 2. Cantaloupe Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that may ward off lung damage by fighting free radicals. Vitamin C is super-abundant in citrus fruits such as orange and grapefruit, kiwi fruit, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and tomatoes. 3. Carrots Carrots are famous for containing beta-carotene, another antioxidant. Beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, may reduce the incidence of exercise-induced asthma. The pigment is also essential to keep your eyes and immune system in top shape and may even help with heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. 4. Eggs Although skin reactions such as hives are the most common manifestation of an egg allergy, asthma is another possible reaction. Egg allergies are most common in children and many outgrow them. If you or your child has such an allergy, avoid eggs and egg products. 5. Peanuts Peanuts can provoke potentially fatal allergic reactions in some people and allergic asthma in others. Many asthmatic children with peanut allergies also have allergies to grass, weeds, cats, dust mites and tree pollen, all of which can trigger asthma attacks.'
Tags: Health , News , Natural , Diabetes , quality , Your , Cooking (Interest) , best foods for lungs , best foods to cleanse your lungs , Lung (Anatomical Structure) , Hellmann's And Best Foods (Brand) , Foods for Your Lungs , Best And Worst Foods For Your Lungs , worst foods for lungs , Best Natural Ways To Clean Your Lungs From Toxins , Best Natural Ways To Clean Your Lungs , natural ways to clean lungs
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