'This video is aimed more at our youngest audience. Learning colors has never been more fun! Get the brand new Cut the Rope: Magic game for iOS, Android & Amazon: http://zep.tl/ctrmagicfb Visit Cut the Rope official site: http://www.cuttherope.net Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuttherope Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cut_The_Rope And on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuttheropeofficial #LearningColors #OmNom #CutTheRope'
Tags: kids , ios , Cartoon , Learning , amazon , color , Android , mobile games , Adventures , video games , puzzle , coloring , app store , Google Play , Om Nom Stories , Om Nom , Cut the Rope , ам ням , ом ном , АмНям , омном , Мультфильм , мультик , цвета , раскраска , приключения , учим
See also: