'Have you tried freeze dried tofu or Devil\'s tongue? They are typical and essential ingredients for Japanese cooking. They are very healthy too!! I made healthy menu with them. Please try some so you will know how they taste! Cooking tutorial 【How to make Freeze-Dried Tofu Soup& More Dishes】 ●Soup with Freeze Dried Tofu ●Marinated Radish and Cucumber ●Devil\'s Tongue with Sweet Miso ●Stir Fried Beef and Burdock - Japanese Homemade Food Recipes - 【高野豆腐スープ・大根ときゅうりの酢の物・こんにゃくの田楽・牛肉ごぼう煮・】 by Culinary Artist ONIGIRI KITCHEN The recipe is shown on my following social media. Please check and like them! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yt.culinary_artist/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Onigiri-Kitchen *Pottery plates and cups used in the video is called 【Hagiyaki】 https://tounomori.jp Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tounomori/ What is Hagiyaki? (The article written by me) https://en.wa-gokoro.jp/traditional-craftwork/Ceramic-Art/Pottery/Hagi-yaki/
Tags: Healthy Food , tofu , beef , japanese food , healthy recipes for weight loss , japanese cooking , 牛肉 , beef recipes for dinner , スープ , burdock , diet soup recipes , Japanisch gerichte , Japanisch rezept , Japanisches Essen , 高野豆腐 , ごぼう , How to cook Japanese , What are Japanese people eating? , Wie kocht man Japanisch , culinary artist , onigiri kitchen , easy dinner menu ideas , easy burdock root , devils tongue , ヘルシーメニュー 夕飯 , ヘルシーメニュー ダイエット , 高野豆腐 レシピ , ダイエットスープ レシピ , こんにゃくレシピ簡単 , 田楽 レシピ , ダイエット こんにゃく
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