'Opening my large and small Harvest Right Freeze Dryer to give you a visual size comparison when shopping size.. Come join my Facebook group, called Betty\'s Harvest Right Freeze Dryers Group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/BettysHarvestRightFreezeDryersGroup I use a Harvest Right Home Freeze Dryer to freeze dry food for my long term food storage. If you enjoy my videos, like, subscribe and share them. ************************* Check out the Zaycon Fresh online company that offers beef, poultry, seafood and pork for discount pricing, hormone free and humane animal treatment; http://zayconfresh.com/refer/zf414878'
Tags: #howto , #harvestright , #freezedryer , #sizecomparison , #openingfreezedryer , #trainingvideo
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