Sep 16, 2021
'smoking is injurious to health is known to everybody. We have seen the warning signs literally shout at us, from billboards, print and media advertisements, and even on the cigarette cartons, where the warning is usually accompanied by a grotesque image which portrays the after-effects of this dangerous habit. Before we delve into the foods which we can consume in order to detoxify our lungs, let us first see the effects which smoking can have on our system. Every time we smoke a cigarette, toxic gases pass into your lungs and then into your bloodstream, where they spread to every organ in the body. A cigarette is made using tobacco leaves, which contains nicotine and a variety of other compounds. As the tobacco and compounds burn, they release thousands of dangerous chemicals, including over 40 known to cause cancer. Cigarette smoke contains the poisonous gases carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and trace amounts of cancer-causing radioactive particles. All forms of tobacco are dangerous, including cigars, pipes and smokeless tobacco such as chewing tobacco and snuff. Nicotine is an addictive chemical in tobacco which induces a pleasurable feeling in the brain. Repeated intake of nicotine desensitizes the brain, making it crave more and more nicotine just to feel normal.'
Tags: healthy lungs , lungs , clean lungs , clear lungs , smokers lungs
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