'If you enjoy my videos, please like and follow my channel. I did a test and tried to freeze dry something beet juice I had frozen in ice cube trays. It was not pureed beets. Just the water I boiled tons of beets in to remove their skin. The cubes were thicker in size than I ever have my food cut up to dry. But these cubes melted down to a wet, sticky paste. I wanted to share the failure to assist others. Sorry I forgot to turn my phone when videoing so it is a \"skinny\" video shot. Come join my Facebook group, called Betty\'s Harvest Right Freeze Dryers Group. hBettysHarvestRightFreezeDryersGroupttps://www.facebook.com/groups/'
Tags: harvest right freeze dryer , Drying dried food pantry , Storage supply supplies LDS , SHTF mylar food saver bags , Ooo prepper prep , Preparation camping hiking , Fishing lunch meals meal , Fast dinner break
See also: