Sep 12, 2021
'By special request... Will Twinkies freeze dry? We also did some ice cream sandwiches, and 5 pounds of blueberries in the same batch. This batch took the most amount of time we have seen so far: 51 hours. It\'s interesting that the smallest blueberries on the bottom shelf were not quite done. The big ones were. I\'m thinking my hammer method may not have cracked the small berries. I also saw ice touching or nearly touching the heater for the bottom tray. I\'m going to look into putting ice shields on each side of the bottom trays in the future when I have a batch of items with lots of liquid content. Benefits of Home Freeze Drying: https://theepicenter.com/home-freeze-dryers Introduction to the Harvest Right Freeze Dryer: https://theepicenter.com/blog/in-home-freeze-drying Details and Prices: https://theepicenter.com/food-storage/home-food-storage.html'
Tags: Blueberries , ice cream sandwiches , HarvestRight , Harvest Right , twinkies , home freeze dryer
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