'We are crushing on Rachel Maser for the May issue of HER magazine - here\'s a teaser of what\'s coming up this month. We interview Rachel about her company, Clean Food Crush (www.cleanfoodcrush.com) - how she went from single mom to clean food mogul! She gets real about her new passion, and how she persevered during the challenges in her life. We\'re also talking content marketing in this month\'s issue among other hot topics to help your business. two download our issue - you can scoop it up on iTunes: www.tinyurl.com/herappleapp or Google Play: www.tinyurl.com/hergoogleplay Get your daily dose of stories at www.hermag.co #unmaketradition'
Tags: healthy living , health food , assyrian , Women in business , women entrepreneur , clean food , clean food crush , nineveh madsen , nineveh dinha , her magazine , rachel maser , clean food crush rachel maser
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