'Our lungs play a vital role in helping our body function well. A good way to keep your lungs healthy is by engaging in regular exercises and eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet helps you go a long way and keeps you off any ailment. Here are top 10 best foods for your healthy lungs. Apples Packed with antioxidants that help keep your lungs healthy. Broccoli High in vitamin C content, carotenoids, folate and phytochemicals that fight damaging elements in the lungs. Walnuts Great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating a handful of them can help fight respiratory conditions. Beans Contain rich amounts of magnesium, a mineral that contributes to healthy lung function. Blueberry Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, which help fight cell damaging free radicals. Ginger Helps detoxifying and promotes the elimination of pollutants from the lungs. Garlic Stimulate the production of glutathione, which helps the elimination of toxins and carcinogens. Water Dry lungs are prone to irritation and increased inflammation, so drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water helps hydrated. Turmeric Contains curcumin, a compound that encourages the self-destruction of cancer cells. Pomegranate Contain many antioxidants including ellagic acid, which slows the growth of lung tumors. Watch more: 21frames.in/dietingright Like us: facebook.com/VentunoYoga Subscribe: youtube.com/user/VentunoYoga Follow us: instagram.com/ventunoyoga Follow us: twitter.com/VentunoYoga A Ventuno Production http://www.ventunotech.com'
Tags: fitness , healthy lungs , eating , Health , Food , english , medical , cure , healthy eating , healthy diet , health tips , diet tips , healthy tips , home remedy , lungs , nutrition facts , lung , cleanse your lungs , food for lungs , Media Genre , healthiest food , Organic facts , Nutritional information , Dieting right , Ventunodiet , foods for lungs , VENTUNO YOGA , omega-3 fatty acids , Foods for Healthy Lungs , Anatomical structure , healthy lung function , Contain rich amounts , Dry lungs
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