'Hi Everyone! A new vlog of a day out in london, doing more fun things like shopping and eating yummy vegan food. There\'s also a mini review of Mooshies LDN, which is an amazing vegan burger joint on Brick Lane, check it out if you can\'t resist after seeing this clip! Their website is: https://veganburger.org Please subscribe for more like this and follow me on social media: Insta//Twitter//FB: @TheNuevist Thanks for watching! Music: In title: https://soundcloud.com/ebysound/eby-shady-things #1: https://soundcloud.com/professortarbrains/tropical-house-prt-1 #2: https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial/wiee-remix -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch my latest: \"Black Female Traveller reviews Couchsurfing.org\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW6mZYT6Gn0 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-'
Tags: vegan , travel vlog , london vlog , Wondershare Filmora , 먹방 , london vlogger , what i eat vegan , vegan junk food , vegan burgers , what i eat in a day vegan , best vegan burger , brick lane , vegan london , shopping in london , mooshies london , brick lane vlog , vintage clothes london , the nuevist , vegan burgers london , vegan food london , mooshies vegan burgers
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