'UNBOXING Kenwood FP730 MultiPRO Food Processor | a2z Creation - Price in Pakistan: 22000 To 25000. - Some Highlighted Functions Of This Amazing Food Processor: ►[ 1.5 L (Liquidizer) ] ►[ Multi-Mill ] ►[ Centrifugal Juicer ] ►[ Stainless Steel Chopping Blade (Dual Faced) ] ►[ Coarse Shred ] ►[ Slice Disc ] ►[ Fine Shred ] ►[ Julienne Disc ] ►[ Mini Bowl ] ►[ Mini Bowl ] ►[ Metal Twin Geared Whisk ] ►[ Dough Tool (Dual Faced) ] ►[ Citrus Press ] ►[ Maxi Blend Canopy ] ►[ 3 L Working Container Capacity ] ►[ Dishwasher Safe ] ►[ Space Saving ] ►[ Easy Clean ] ►[ Safety Interlock ] ►[ Does Not Starts Until Things Are Properly Fixed ] - This Video Is About The UNBOXING of Kenwood FP730 MultiPRO Food Processor by a2z Creation --- ►A Detailed video about the Kenwood FP730 ►MultiPRO Food Processor --- ►Thanks For Watching This Video☺️. ►Stay Connected For More Videos. --- ►If you like it then PLEASE make sure ►to press that like button
Tags: kitchen , Cooking , Lifestyle , Food , food preparation , baking , best , gadgets , kitchen gadgets , electronics , Food processor , kenwood , FP730 , Ken wood , kenwood multipro food processor , how to use kenwood multipro food processor , kenwood excelon , food processing gadgets , محضرة طعام كينود اسعار محضرات الطعام مقارنه بين محضرات الطعام , UNBOXING Kenwood FP730 MultiPRO Food Processor , a2z creation , kenwood stereo
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