'Egg bejo is a Burmese food. Everyone likes it Give it a try friends! Ingredients: Eggs Onion Garlic Red chilli Tamarind Lemon Salt Must try it friends! I\'m on Instagram as @sashishree. follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=jg91ab5nab5g&utm_content=i0uaxk4'
Tags: egg , Tamil , street food , Google , simple recipe , in tamil , egg bejo , burmese food , bejo , egg bejo recipe , egg bejo recipe in tamil , how to make egg bejo , egg bejo street food , how to make egg bejo in tamil , egg bejo eating , egg bejo tamil , friends of food , பிரண்ட்ஸ் ஆப் ஃபுட்
See also: