'How MUCH Should I Eat to LOSE WEIGHT?! Weight Loss Boss'

'How MUCH Should I Eat to LOSE  WEIGHT?! Weight Loss Boss'
09:28 Jun 30, 2021
'Hello and welcome to moments with Mylitta- I am one of the lucky people who has figured out a way to successfully defeat and win against the battle of the bulge. I’ve lost over 150 lbs and would like to share with you my tips and tricks to how I was able to go from 304 lbs down to 143 lbs in less than 15 months. As well as tips on how to keep the weight off.  By the end of this video you will have a better understanding of how to boss up your health and take control of your eating.   In order to effectively lose weight you must get control of the number of calories and fat grams you take in each day in order to start breaking into your fat storage and burn off excess weight. Below is a basic formula you can follow to get to your daily body “budget” that you should stay within each day.  Your Body Numbers  Calories/Fat grams Daily Budget:   For every pound of weight you are take in no more than 10 calories per pound.  *For example: If a person weighs 200 lbs their daily caloric intake should be at or below 2,000 calories.  Take your calorie intake and divide it by 30 to obtain your fat grams daily budget.  *For example: a person on a 2,000 calorie intake should take in at or below maximum 67 fat grams daily.  As you lose weight adjust your calorie and fat gram numbers accordingly.  *Always consult your doctor before starting a new diet and or exercise plan.  Follow me on IG @iammylittabutler' 
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