'Are you struggling to lose weight? All you need to do is eat the right fruits at the right time. “Fruits are a powerhouse of nutrients like fibre, Vitamin A, C and digestive enzymes. Consuming seasonal fruits is a good idea as fruits of various colours have specific benefits and antioxidant properties.” -Mumbai-based nutritionist Khushboo Sahijwani Fruits should ideally be consumed first thing in the morning. “Fruits can be had as a pre-workout and post-workout snack and as a mid-meal snack during the day.” -Munmun Ganeriwal, nutritionist and founder, Yuktahaar Story: Sona Wadha Subscribe to our channel: http://read.ht/fLZ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/htTweets Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hindustantimes iOS:- http://m.onelink.me/bcae8b2d Android:- http://m.onelink.me/986f584a Watch more videos at: http://www.hindustantimes.com/video hindustantimes.com © 2016'
Tags: fitness , healthy , eating , diet , wellness , Health , Food , fruit , mango , berries , News , breaking news , Organic , latest News , hindustan , news in english , avocado , live news , English news , Hindustan Times , Samachar , ht media , ht news , HT
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