Jun 28, 2021
'It is pretty simple actually!!! Hope it helps!! Hope you like too!! Reading Instructions: You will need-Spoon,bowl,mini storage cup thing (lol idk wht they r called),flour,and water 1.Take your spoon and put one spoonful of flour on it and dump it into your mini storage box. 2. Get 5 spoonfulls of hot/warm water and dump it in to your flour. 3.Mix (make sure it isnt doughy when you mix it,make sure it is mushy and goopy like oatmeal) Baby Formula Instructions: You will need- Baby bottle, flour,and water 1.Take 2 spoonfulls of flour and pour it into your bottle. 2.Put alot (not too much) water into the bottle. 3.Shake the bottle baby!!LOL :3 YAY!!!! ALL DONE!!!! Thnx 4 watchin\'!'See also: