Jun 3, 2021
'http://www.pimplecure.org What Causes Pimples? One question on all acne sufferers minds is; what causes pimples and acne? Well, there is no real answer for that as the cause can be different for each person. Although we do know that what causes the actual pimples is a pore collapsing on itself and blocking sebum (oil) from escaping. What we do not know though, is why this whole process takes place in certain sebaceous glands, and not the others. Here are some possible causes of pimples: 1)Diet eating bad foods or foods that aggravate acne. 2)Vitamin deficiency being deficient in certain vitamins could cause acne. 3)Hormones puberty and menstrual cycle are two types of hormone changes. 4)Stress being stressed can cause your body to react in many different negative ways. 5)Hereditary have other people in your family previously suffered with acne? Here is a description of the pimples being produced: The sebaceous glands ooze oily substances on to the surface of your skin. There are many small sebaceous glands just under the surface of your skin. Those small glands produce sebum. Sebum helps to keep your skin firm and smooth. Skin pores let the sebum come to the surface of the skin. Hairs also grow out of those pores. The sebaceous glands of people who suffer from acne are particularly sensitive to the normal levels of the hormone named testosterone. This hormone is natural. If you are one of the unfortunate people who are prone to acne, testosterone sets off the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum. At the same time as this is happening, the dead skin cells covering the openings of your hair follicles are not shed properly and those block up the follicles. Each of those two effects put together causes a build up of oils in the hair follicles, and this then causes whiteheads as well as blackheads to form. For some people, the problem doesn\'t get any worse at this stage. But, in some people, the build up of the oils in the hair follicles makes a perfect environment for the growth of a bacterium named \'propionibacterium acnes\'. Those bacteria usually lives on your skin without causing any harm but when the environment is right, they grow. Those feed off your sebum and cause an immune response from the substances produced. This makes your skin inflamed and creates the redness. With more severe acne, cysts can develop under the skin. If the cysts were to burst, the infection could spread. This could also leave you with scars. You should now have a better idea of what causes pimples, and how they develop. For more information on acne and pimples, and tips as well as recommended products, visit http://www.pimplecure.org'
Tags: get rid of pimples , get rid of acne , acne cure , What Causes Pimples , causes of pimples , pimple cure
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