'Learn how to make pasta dough in a food processor. Pasta is traditionally made on a work surface and not in a bowl. But if you are making pasta dough for the first time, please use a bowl! Roll it by hand or with a pasta machine; whichever method you choose, it must be thin enough to read a newspaper through. Italians use a very fine flour called \"00\" in pasta dough, but all-purpose works well too. ★☆★ RECIPE INGREDIENTS & LINKS ★☆★ Pasta Dough Ingredients: 0:26 Pasta Dough method: 0:35 How to Knead Dough: 4.48 Print the full recipe: https://onlineculinaryschool.net/fresh-pasta-dough/ ★☆★ HIRE ME! CHEF SERVICES & PRODUCTS: ★☆★ 911 Chef Eric Official Website: https://911cheferic.com Online Culinary School: https://onlineculinaryschool.net Restaurant Consulting: https://911cheferic.com/restaurant-consulting/ Leadership Coaching: https://911cheferic.com/chef-coaching/ Buy my book: A Gourmand in Training: http://amzn.to/1hEYzn4 ★☆★ FOLLOW ME BELOW: ★☆★ Subscribe to this channel: http://bit.ly/1ltcqPS Blog: https://911cheferic.com/blog/911-chef-eric-blog/ Facebook Fan Page: http://bit.ly/2gqnvTw Twitter: http://bit.ly/1NHZphq Instagram: http://bit.ly/2feQg3F Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1K9YfDH Contact me: http://bit.ly/2RUzYOc #pastadough #howtomakepastadough #pastadoughinfoodprocessor #howtokneadpastadough #homemadepastadough #pastadoughrecipe #pastadoughfromscratch'
Tags: fresh pasta dough , homemade pasta dough , pasta dough recipe , how to make pasta dough , food processor pasta dough , how to knead pasta dough , make your own pasta , making homemade pasta , recipe for pasta dough , traditional pasta dough , quick pasta dough recipe , luca d'onofrio , how to make pasta dough with machine
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