'what is the fitnessgram? What is the origin of the intro? When did it become a meme? Today we look at the pacer test memes that are popular on vine and explain what they are and the history of them. The fitness gram pacer test is a physical fitness test that is very popular in PE in school as well as other organizations that have an emphasis on fitness. The internet has done what the internet does best and taken it and made it into popular memes. The copypasta meme is often used in vine and other short videos to create funny jokes. Always being random and strange. Let\'s figure out how it all started. [email protected] https://youtu.be/mX7LuvNHX_8'
Tags: Test , fitness , funny , best , video , nyc , what , compilation , videos , History , worst , meme , memes , fitnes , vine , explained , gram , pacer test , pacer , Origin , know your meme , fitnessgram pacer , pacer test meme , pacer meme , behind the meme , copypasta , what is the fitnessgram pacer test , what is the fitness gram pacer test , what is the pacer test , what is the fintessgram pacer test meme , fitnessgram meme , fitness gram meme , the fitnessgram pacer , fitnessgram copypasta , fitnessgram video , the fitnessgram
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