'The Apple Watch can instantly connect to fitness machines running GymKit. We tried it out. Subscribe to CNET: http://cnet.co/2heRhep Check out our playlists: http://cnet.co/2g8kcf4 Download the new CNET app: https://cnet.app.link/GWuXq8ExzG Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cnet Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/cnet Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2icCYYm'
Tags: fitness , apple , ios , Health App , First look , cnet , apple health , apple watch update , apple watch , Apple Watch Series 3 , wearable tech , apple watch review , Gym kit , Scott Stein , Fitness trackers , apple fitness , apple fitness tracker , GymKit , cnet first look , new apple watch features , apple watch first look , gymkit first look , gymkit hands on , gymkit roll out , gymkit rollout , cnet apple watch , ios fitness , Nic Henry
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