'An hour long Zen Yoga Workout class with acclaimed Chicago yoga teacher Danny B. Watch our latest yoga workout: Filmed live at yogaraj http://yogaraj.org in West Los Angeles (home of $10 yoga). This rigorous, creative yoga flow video incorporates lots of vinyasa for building heat, deep hips, hamstrings and upper back work, and moves into advanced yoga poses including Bird of Paradise, Eka Pada Koundinyasana and other arm balances. Danny B\'s signature flow includes plenty of pranayam (yoga breath work), philosophy and spirit. About Danny: \"Danny turned to yoga in 1991 to help settle his mind after serving in the Gulf War. Healing happened and his yoga practice stopped. He rekindled his affair with yoga in 1995 looking for a new physical challenge. The affair turned to love as he felt his physical practice turn into a spiritual awakening. This awakening has kept him connected to the mat ever since. After years of unfulfilled corporate work Danny left California for a year long road trip throughout the US and Mexico to \"rediscover\" himself. This newfound clarity led him to Nepal where he taught Nepali\'s to fly airplanes in the Himalayas\'. Once there, he searched throughout his village of Bharatpur for a yoga studio to no avail. Inspired by conversations with his students, he started teaching yoga in the flight school airplane hangar. The \"Asana Courses\" in B.K.S. Iyengar\'s \"Light on Yoga\" would be his teaching guide. After a year in Nepal he headed back to the U.S. and settled in Chicago. Through his travels he discovered what he wanted out of life. To seek! To teach! \"The peaks of joy I\'ve experience in seeing a student achieve their \'next level\' is a driving force in my life. Using my knowledge and experiences to help others grow is where it\'s at for me.\" Influenced by the teachings of Janet Stone, Max Strom, and Saul David Raye, Danny creates a fun-filled learning environment loaded with energy and message that will be sure to touch you mentally, physically, and spiritually.\" http://www.yogidannyb.com/about.html Check out some of our other Yoga videos here: Power Yoga- Do no Harm, Take no Shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMYUjzC5IGk Power Yoga Workout ~ Perfection is a Myth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt2-8... 30 Minute Cardio Flow Yoga Workout https://youtu.be/cRJlOKb_chs Click below to subscribe to our channel: http://youtube.com/heartalchemyyoga Yoga | Yoga Workout | Power Yoga Workout | Yoga Flow Workout | Corepower Yoga Workout | Bootcamp Yoga Workout | Yoga for Weight Loss | Power Yoga Workout For Weight Loss | Zen Yoga | Zen Yoga Flow | Yoga Fat burning Workout -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: \"Power Yoga Workout ~ Full Body (30 minutes)\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDCBxObqn24 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out our latest Power Yoga Flow here: https://youtu.be/wu5DMamGkio and our latest Crystal Bowls Sound bath here https://youtu.be/riITyQ1M6h4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out our latest Power Yoga Flow here: https://youtu.be/TYaXJlESUt0 and our latest Crystal Bowls Sound bath here: https://youtu.be/8xLhWRba8ec'
Tags: Workout , yoga , morning yoga , yoga for weight loss , vinyasa , yoga workout , power yoga , beginners yoga , Yoga (Sport) , yoga class , power yoga workout , yoga flow , yoga flow workout , heart alchemy yoga , michelle goldstein yoga , Danny B , yoga fat burning workout , zen yoga , Corepower Yoga Workout , Bootcamp Yoga Workout , Zen Yoga Flow , Vinaysa Yoga , Danny B Yoga , Danny Bee Yoga , DannyB Yoga , DannyBEE Yoga , Danny Bee , Michelle Goldstien , Yogaraj
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