'Austin, Zen and Ben • Member Success Story | 24 Hour Fitness'

'Austin, Zen and Ben • Member Success Story | 24 Hour Fitness'
04:09 Jul 15, 2024
'Austin Lane, now 14, was your typical tween: He loved playing video games and riding ATVs on his family ranch. However, this came at a price: Austin hated running the mile in P.E. class. His mother, Melinda, had been training with Zen Nguyen at Livermore Super Sport, and mentioned her son’s issues. Zen convinced Melinda to bring Austin in, and Zen quickly was able to create new connections between fitness, exercise and fun. Today, Austin can not only run the mile in P.E., but—with the help of his current trainer, Ben—now plays tight end on his high school football team, and has developed a foundation of fitness that will carry him through high school and beyond.  Do More With Your 24.  Our members inspire us every day. Because when they decide to change, it changes us. And when they rewrite their stories, it becomes a story we create together. Meet some of the members who have transformed not just their bodies, but their lives through fitness, as well as the lives of so many around them. #DoMoreWith24  http://www.24HourFitness.com/SuccessStories  _______  STAY CONNECTED Instagram http://bit.ly/24IGYT Twitter http://bit.ly/24TWYT Facebook http://bit.ly/24FBYT Subscribe to 24 Hour Fitness on YouTube for workouts, success stories, exercise tips and more: http://bit.ly/24SUBYT  DO MORE™ Start your membership today! http://bit.ly/24MBRYT 24GO™ on-demand workouts http://bit.ly/24GOYT 24Life™ Magazine http://bit.ly/24LifeYT APEX® vitamins and supplements http://bit.ly/24ApexYT Even more at 24HourFitness.com http://bit.ly/24WebYT' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , Health , fitness goals , 24 hour fitness , 24HF , Member Success Story

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