'RAWMEN is a competitive arena shooter, but with food instead of real guns. Between two and eight players duke it out in food-focused arenas and in food-themed match styles, flinging soup and similar brothy concoctions at one another. Rawmen got a new trailer at Guerrilla Collective today and is coming to PC, PlayStation, and Xbox later this year. #SummerofGaming'
Tags: Gameplay , trailer , gaming , trailers , pc , action , online , video games , animal , IGN , E3 , Game Trailers , game trailer , NEW GAME TRAILERS , video game trailers , Video Game Trailer , e3 trailer , e3 2021 , rawmen , Summerof Gaming , TinyBuild Games , new video game trailers , upcoming video games , new video games 2021 , upcoming video games 2021 , Summer of Gaming , ign-live , summer-of-gaming , e3 trailers
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