May 19
'Dr. Sebi speaks on how to fast. Consuming acidic, mucus forming foods such as (Animal flesh, dairy products, hybrid man made unnatural foods, processed chemical foods, soy, soda etc) will clog up the human body with mucus and toxins manifesting disease and eventually causing the body to breakdown. To stop this from happening or to reverse the damage done by wrongful eating, it is essential to change your diet to an alkaline plant based/vegan diet (Search up the Dr. Sebi approved food list or it can be found on my page a few posts back, for a full comprehensive list of all the alkaline electric natural mucus free/mucus lean foods you should be eating) it is important to practice rational water fasting to allow the body to detox and cleanse itself from all of the mucus and accumulated toxins it has become encumbered with caused by all those years of wrongful eating and poor lifestyle choices please (Research and read Arnold Ehrets books rational fasting and mucusless diet for insight on how to practice water fasting and what it means to your health in fine detail) it is also important to be taking natural herbs in order to give the body the live minerals it needs to cleanse, rebuild, repair itself and maintain optimal health. For people who are beginners to water fasting it is advisable to fast for no longer than 3-7 days per month, drinking 3+ litres of clean spring water per day, along with tamarind juice made from paste (This helps to eliminate waste from the body) and taking the natural herbs, no solid or liquid foods should be consumed for the duration of your fast. Also please follow and subscribe on Instagram and YouTube to @tysconsciouskitchen and @theelectriccupboard for loads of videos/tutorials on how to prepare and cook beautiful tasty healthy alkaline electric Dr. Sebi approved recipes which will help you greatly in transitioning into this healthy happy lifestyle. #drsebi #fasting'See also: