'There’s only so much that the native land can provide, so it’s about providing a supplemental food source. To do that we create man-made food plots with protein. We use free choice protein feeders that a deer can come at any time during the week filled with protein from Record Rack. Record Rack Protein: https://bit.ly/3wBfA8H Thanks for watching Deer Gear TV! Deer Gear is all about exploring the new and useful products in the outdoor world that will help you become a better hunter. Every episode of Cabela\'s Deer Gear TV offers insight into new products for deer hunters, how to choose a hunting rifle, what to do when deer hunting, how to deer hunt, what to wear when deer hunting and insight in tactics for deer hunting. You can find out more at www.deergeartv.com'
Tags: Texas , Deer Hunting , food plot , food plots , food plots for deer , whitetail deer , how to make a food plot , best hunting gear , texas whitetail , record rack protein feed , record rack deer feed , best deer feed for antler growth , best deer protein feed , best deer protein feed for the money , man made food plot , food plots for whitetail , texas food plots , boss buck feeders , hunting whitetail
See also: